Fine Plants For Your Garden
Established in 1987 by Jon DeMuth. DeMuth Nursery is a grower nursery
supplying landscape ornamental
plants, related materials and landscape design services to wholesale and retail customers in the northwest Ohio area. Open by appointment only. Call to schedule at 419-438-0019.
Plants, Materials & Services

Our Mission
To provide quality ornamental plants proven to grow in north-west Ohio conditions, related materials and services to all customers.


Summer Plant Sale
An event that highlights many gardener's summer. Our finest plants
are selected and displayed on the nursery grounds for this two day event. Sign up now and a reminder card to be sent to you prior to the event!

Christmas Tree Open House
A great holiday experience! Visit our tree fields from the Saturday after Thanksgiving until Christmas. Saturdays 8:00 to 5:30, Sundays 11:00 to 5:30. Weekdays by appointment.